PS180-t: NBN co compatibility

Starting late last year the NBN co started rolling out updates to their DSLAMs to improve their stability but informationally it looks like doing this caused the 180-t modules to no longer sync up to the dslam.

After corresponding with Proscend as well as a member of the NBN co test lab team we were able to find a solution where the modules were able to connect with DSLAMs that had or didnt have these settings enabled. This was achieved in the form of a firmware update for the module, unfortunately the modules chipset limits this device so it is not able to use these new settings so what the firmware update does is tell the module to ignore these settings so it can sync up.

The two settings that are 'ignored' on the module will be SOS (Save our ShowTime) and ROC (robust overhead channel), these settings are for bad lines that have a lot of noise etc. These setting will only offer benefits on bad lines as the ROC settings allows more channels on the line allowing your connection to move away from any noise that is there and the SOS allows for quicker resync with the dlsam if the modem does loose sync.

As you can see on a good line these settings would not really be used but on lines that have degraded or is noisy these could be beneficial.

We are delighted to advice that the candidate upgrade firmware prepared to address the upcoming issue related to NBNCo FTTn/b VDSL profile update has now been tested against both existing and proposed new profiles and found to gain and hold sync effectively.

With the upgrade firmware installed, PS180-T will continue to operate with exactly the same performance and stability after the NBN VDSL update slated to roll out in future.

Furthermore, after liaison with several NBNCo representatives and some currently registered RSP partners, we can offer some indication of the expected update timeline.  We understand that:

  • NBNCo will roll out the new VDSL profile configuration across all relevant services on 1st July 2021
  • Any services that do not sync immediately after the update will be automatically rolled back to the original profile until 1st September
  • On 1st September 2021, all services will be upgraded to the new profile regardless

From today, we are offering FREE FIRMWARE UPGRADE of all PS180-T modules that are covered under the standard warranty that are received at our office on or before Wednesday 1st September 2021.  Modules received under warranty will be upgraded to the latest firmware and returned to you at our cost.  To request firmware update under warranty, start RMA process here: be sure to include "Warranty Firmware Uprade" in the submission text.

If you have multiple units of PS180-T in production, we are offering a limited number of exchange units with upgrade firmware pre-installed.  If you can commit to exchanging received devices and lodging the exchanged units by reply paid post within 48 hours of receipt of the exchange modems, you may apply for this program.  We are unable to guarantee the time-frame for supply of exchange units or number of units available, but expect that supply is likely to be delivered within 3 weeks of request.  To apply for the exchange program, please submit serial numbers of all nominated devices under warranty: be sure to include "Upgrade firmware xchange program" in the submission text.

If you have devices that are no longer covered by the standard 12 months warranty, you may still seek firmware upgrade by returning units to us for upgrade and then agree to pay the return freight costs:
Request non-warranty firmware update here: click the link on the left - be sure to include device serial numbers for our reference!
If you would like to seek access to a firmware upgrade solution that you can conduct upgrade process yourself, we are able to offer 
Seek access to upgrade solutionbe sure to review the default submission text, and include all default text - you may append additional comments if required.
We wish to acknowledge the support and assistance offered and provided by those NBNCo representatives, registered RSP partners and our valued clients and partners without whos efforts we would not have been able to reach this position as quickly, if ever!