Organisation Plans

Organisation plans are plans that you can assign to yourself or offer them to your sub-organisations that will allow you to again more resources such as allow more users or devices on that organisation. You should be able to see your current status at the lower left hand side of duxadmin:

If you click on the org plans section it will take you to your current list, this is a list that you are able to offer/are useable and have been set up by yourself or another admin. These are taken from a template but can be edited to your liking :)

If you click on the help on the right hand side it will bring up a new window that will give you more details on what the costs and other details actually mean

organization plan templates:

If you click on the list base you can see all the organization templates that are available that you can then use to make your own plan from, this will allow you to browse all the templates and choose a plan that would best suit you in terms of functionality and price :)
Once you have found a plan you like you can either click on the plan code and follow the next prompt to customize it how you like and add it to your plans or you can click on the new option on the left hand side and follow it:

after clicking add you will be able to see this new plan in your standard list :)

Offering plans

After you have made a plan you need to select what suborganisations are able to use this, by going to the offers section you can view, add or retract offers. Adding a new offer will not add any fees etc as it just give the organisation the ability to select it and they should not be charged unless they select to use that offered plan
The black line is where you can see what you are currently offering where the blue link is where you can see what plans are available to offer to this organisation

Using plans

from the sub organisation if you go to the service details section you can see what plans are currently used as well as you are able to add and remove plans. The blue line is where you can see what plans have been offered and can be accepted by the sub org

Once added you will see it in the plans list as well as you can see that our resources have increased